Location: Hart’s Location, NH
Date: 4/6/22
They list it as a moderate hike, but honestly, there isn’t much in the way of difficulty here. It’s probably best to avoid it after a snowfall, as a section of it runs right along a steep ridge (the AllTrails comment about a ski pole going right through and finding air gave me some pause). Very short – one mile out and back – but the falls definitely makes it worth it. The whole area out on the Crawford Notch Rd. (before you hit Attitash) is gorgeous, with many trails and trailheads.
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- Tracks at the start of the trail.
- These are just off a parking area, which you might have to hike into in the winter (short).
- Looking in the other direction at the trailhead.
- Spots can be icy, so crampons recommended.
- Ripley Falls trail.
- A bit of small stream fording in the winter – not sure if it runs in the summer.
- Ripley Falls
- Ripley Falls
- Willey Station
- Across the road from Willey Station.
- Same shot, but looking along the range more. I think they shut the dam and flood this area in the summer, but I only seem to hit in the winter time.