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Glen Ellis Falls – 7/15/23

Location: Jackson, NH

Date: 7/15/23

A couple of shots from Glen Ellis Falls. Nice short hike down to the falls, although you will run into a fair amount of stairs if you wish to get to the bottom of the falls (highly recommended, if only for the mist factor).


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At some point I will get around to designing something for a front page that makes sense, but for now, all of it is down below, thrown up as it happens. If you are interested in something specific, pick a category:

Publishing – Short Fiction

Mount Willard – 02/17/23

Location: Hart’s Location, New Hampshire

Date: 02/17/23

50 degrees mid-February? Yeah, that is definitely hiking weather. First picture is from the summit, second from the scenic overlook outside the entrance to the Mt. Washington Omni (was going to pass it by, but the mountain was looking it’s best after setting records a couple of weeks ago). The third is stitched together from a few shots on the summit. Not great due to the sun, but still an impressive sight once you get up there.

(click on this for full size)

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Sabbaday Falls, 2/5/23

Location: Sabbaday Falls, Kancamagus Highway, White Mountains, NH (Albany, NH)

Date: 02/05/23

Sabbaday Falls on the Kancamagus Highway (and one of the Pemigewasset Overlook). Glad we held off a day. 🙂 Around 20 degrees, which puts it 30-40 degrees warmer than it was yesterday.

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1/31/23 Hiking Down Quechee Gorge

Location: Quechee, Vermont

Date: 01/31/23

This certainly isn’t a long or arduous hike: maybe a mile overall, more if you explore some of the other trails here. The hike down to the bottom of the gorge is around a half-mile, and just over 150 feet down. The trail runs along the river, and there is a fence protecting you from a fall (which will likely be lethal). Well traveled on weekends in the winter (I would imagine… I had the place to myself on a Tuesday, but it was cold), and pretty icy.

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Owl Head Mountain, 1/24/23

Location: Peacham, Vermont

Date: 01/24/23

First real snow of the season, in the form of three storms over the course of a week. This was shortly after the second, which dumped around 10 inches in the area.

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Connecticut River – Last Kayak of the Season (?)

Location: Woodsville, NH

Date: 11/11/22

Pretty much the last day of the season for it, unless it gets warmer sometime soon (it’s the 22nd now, and I think we had lows in the single digits a couple of nights ago). All the boats are now bedded down, but never say never. I’m really tempted to bring one up to Maine over Thanksgiving. 🙂

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White Mountains in New Hampshire, 10/1/22

Locations: White Mountains, NH

Date: 9/30/22-10/1/22

A few shots from various locations in the White Mountains. Foliage still seems a bit early, but it’s looking nice out there, particularly the further north and higher up you get. First, a panoramic shot of the Omni Mount Washington, which is sooooooo wide I’m not sure how useful it is, but it’s kind of cool. You should be able to click on it to make it full-sized.


And a few random shots:


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Lake Willoughby Panorama, 8/23/22

Location: Lake Willoughby, Westmore, VT

Date: 8/23/22

Panoramic shot of Lake Willoughby taken during a recent kayaking trip (open image in a new tab for a larger pix).

Feel free to share or use these pictures for personal use, so long as you link back to this site. Thanks!

First Kayak ’22: Echo Lake

Location: Franconia, NH

Date: 5/22/22

Finally got some kayaking in, much later than usual. This is Echo Lake, at the base of Cannon Mountain.

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