
1/31/23 Hiking Down Quechee Gorge

Location: Quechee, Vermont

Date: 01/31/23

This certainly isn’t a long or arduous hike: maybe a mile overall, more if you explore some of the other trails here. The hike down to the bottom of the gorge is around a half-mile, and just over 150 feet down. The trail runs along the river, and there is a fence protecting you from a fall (which will likely be lethal). Well traveled on weekends in the winter (I would imagine… I had the place to myself on a Tuesday, but it was cold), and pretty icy.

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Owl Head Mountain, 1/24/23

Location: Peacham, Vermont

Date: 01/24/23

First real snow of the season, in the form of three storms over the course of a week. This was shortly after the second, which dumped around 10 inches in the area.

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