
Lake Willoughby, Westmore, Vermont 08/26/21

Kayaking on Vermont’s Lake Willoughby. For a different perspective, check out a kayaking trip here during foliage season.

Kayaking on Long Pond, Benton, New Hampshire (8/15/21)

Kayaking on Long Pond, in Benton, New Hampshire. You have to drive up into the hills a bit to get to this one. Quite isolated, no houses. Animal tally: a couple of ducks, a couple of turtles, and a huge moose about half-way through.

Feel free to share or use these pictures for personal use, so long as you link back to this site. Thanks!

Subscribe to the channel or follow me on twitter (@RWayneGray) to keep up to date on new videos, horror stories that I have coming out, and more. Most of the videos on the channel will revolve around activities such as kayaking, road biking, winter hiking, etc.

French Pond, Haverhill, New Hampshire (8/13/21) – kayaking

Another slow paddle around French Pond in Haverhill, NH, this time shooting at 4k to see how it compares with the 1080p from the day before, which was deleted, because wow (why yes, someone did just get a GoPro). It was a bit warmer than the 12th — around the mid-90s even at noon — and you could definitely see the difference in the lower numbers of turtles. More humans though, it being Friday.

Feel free to use or share any images here. I only ask that you link back to this website. Thanks!

Subscribe to the channel or follow me on twitter (@RWayneGray) to keep up to date on new videos, horror stories that I have coming out, and more. Most of the videos on the channel will revolve around activities such as kayaking, road biking, winter hiking, etc.

Biking Franconia Notch Bike Path from The Basin, Lincoln, NH (8/11/21)

Remember that time we just got the GoPro and rushed off to Franconia Notch with the bike to try it out and it was overcast at home but sprinkling at The Basin and by the time we got two miles north it was pouring like hell? Boy, I do. 🙂 The Basin to Franconia State Park and back, various precipitation.

Feel free to share or use these pictures for personal use, so long as you link back to this site. Thanks!

Subscribe to the channel or follow me on twitter (@RWayneGray) to keep up to date on new videos, horror stories that I have coming out, and more. Most of the videos on the channel will revolve around activities such as kayaking, road biking, winter hiking, etc.

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