
Wells River – No Ice Yet

Location: Wells River, in Wells River, VT

Date: 11/16/20

I had hoped it would have a bit of ice around it, but apparently a river needs more than a couple of days in the 20s to get all arrrrg, ice. Soon. This is just above our house. Great white water kayaking spot in the spring, or any time a hurricane meanders through.

Big Deer Mountain, Groton, Vermont

Where: Big Deer Mountain, Groton, Vermont

When: 11/11/20

Yeah, I did some hiking last week. Great weather, and had to get it in before pew pew pew. This is Big Deer Mountain. Basically start at New Discovery SP and head to Peacham, then hook a right. I tried this last winter, but three feet of snow heading up the mountain stopped me. Thank God. This is about a mile and half out to the base, then .5 miles pretty much straight up. I think the overlook is Lake Groton, although there are a bunch of lakes up there… need to confirm with a map.

Kinder Memorial Forest Castello Trail, N. Haverhill, NH

Where: Kinder Memorial Forest Castello Trail, North Haverhill, NH

When: 11/9/20

OK, I have to admit, I was a bit leery of the power lines. Let’s go hiking, have our hair stand on end, receive radio stations through our fillings. Great hike though, although the lower loop is still a bit of a mystery. You actually cut through the power line corridor, but most of the trail is wooded, an easy grade. H/t to North Haverhill – well maintained trail, and a lot of fun.

Profile Lake, White Mountains, NH

Where: Profile Lake, Franconia Notch, NH

When: 11/7/20

So, you go to Profile Lake in the White Mountains and you take a picture of where the Old Man used to be, before he de-faced. Yeah, not so much. This is the lake that he watched over. We headed up to hike a short trail that apparently started atop Cannon Mountain. A bit much for that day. So, hike around Profile Lake. Great day!

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